Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hurricane our fault?

Global warming now plays the bad guy more often than Alan Rickman, and in concert with the evil US, we start to get a picture of who is to blame for the hurricane. Certainly it can't be nature. No, it must be that dang global warming, and it is all our own fault. I mean, it isn't like we've ever had devastating hurricanes before. It is a brand new phenomenon, eh? Hotter than normal? Global warming. Cooler than normal? Global warming. Drier than normal? Global warming. Wetter than normal? Global warming. Hurricane? Global warming. Tsunami? Global warming. Red Sox win the Series? Global warming.

What did people blame these things on a century ago?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Just a question

Say there are some wanted Iraqi terrorists who are in need of medical aid. Would the US be able to view medics who treat them as enemies? I mean, enemy medics are still considered enemies. The Italian Red Cross treated several wanted Iraqis (knowing that they were wanted by the US), and then sent them on their way, apparently in an effort to get a couple Italian girls freed by their Iraqi captors.

Further, the Italians make clear that keeping the US out of the loop was important. That brings us back to Nicola Calipari who was shot dead by US troops as his car raced toward a US checkpoint and ignored warning shots. The car was carrying another freed Italian hostage. The US maintains they were out of the loop on that rescue missions, the Italians deny that they kept American forces in the dark. The US standpoint gains a lot more credence with this latest incident.

"The Red Cross is an impartial organization and it does not depend on the Italian government," Centofanti said.

"It did help presumed Iraqi terrorists, but it did so in the spirit of the Red Cross to help out everyone in need."

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's office, which has denied accusations it paid a ransom to win the aid workers' release, said the Red Cross was independent and did not answer to the government.

"As it is known, it (Red Cross) is not under the operative control, even less directives, of the national authorities precisely so that they can be recognized as neutral, which is indispensable for them to carry out their humanitarian mandate towards the international community," it said in a statement.

So, if they ran across an injured Osama bin Laden or Abu Musab al Zarqawi they'd treat them and let them go without a word in the name of neutrality.

Europeans suck at war.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Why Muslims have a bad Image

Muslims don't have a bad image because of misconceptions. It is because so many of them are terrible people. Living in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the UK or the US, it doesn't matter. There aren't a mere few bad apples, there are a cartload of them. If the majority of Muslims dislike the terrorists, and desire freedom and peace, they should become more actively involved. At this point, pissing and moaning about it means little.

And Britain needs to stop taking in these people. If I had my way I'd deport them into the atmosphere.

Monday, August 15, 2005

James Taranto in his "Best of the Web Today" quotes the following from Ms. Sheehan:

I was raised in a country by a public school system that taught us that America was good, that America was just. America has been killing people . . . since we first stepped on this continent, we have been responsible for death and destruction. I passed on that bullshit to my son and my son enlisted. I'm going all over the country telling moms: "This country is not worth dying for." If we're attacked, we would all go out. We'd all take whatever we had. I'd take my rolling pin and I'd beat the attackers over the head with it. But we were not attacked by Iraq. We might not even have been attacked by Osama bin Laden if 9/11 was their Pearl Harbor to get their neo-con agenda through and, if I would have known that before my son was killed, I would have taken him to Canada. I would never have let him go and try and defend this morally repugnant system we have. The people are good, the system is morally repugnant. . . .

What they're saying, too, is like, it's okay for Israel to have nuclear weapons. But Iran or Syria better not get nuclear weapons. It's okay for the United States to have nuclear weapons. It's okay for the countries that we say it's okay for. We are waging a nuclear war in Iraq right now. That country is contaminated. It will be contaminated for practically eternity now. It's okay for them to have them, but Iran or Syria can't have them. It's okay for Israel to occupy Palestine, but it's--yeah--and it's okay for Iraq to occupy--I mean, for the United States to occupy Iraq, but it's not okay for Syria to be in Lebanon.

Talk about a nut. If America is so terrible then she is a hypocrite for staying. I recommend such paradise destinations as Cuba, China, Iran, or Syria for her relocation. Maybe then this simpleton will realize how well she has it. The most infuriating thing is how hard it is to find any of this information about her from the mainstream media. They are holding her up as a hero to the anti-war Democrat types. I'd say she's a good fit.

Go home glory hound

Just a few quick points...

Cindy Sheehan co-founded Gold Star Families for Peace. I just want to make clear my belief that our choice isn't between staying in Iraq and having war, or leaving Iraq and having peace. Gold Star Families for Peace should be called Gold Star Families for Surrender and Further Terrorist Attacks on US Soil. That would be a more accurate name. But then it wouldn't be a liberal feel-good name.

Pulling out will not bring peace to the US or Iraq. In fact, it could quite possibly open the door to an Iranian invasion of Iraq, but anti-war people can't see past their own ignorance. US and Iraqi intelligence are finding more and more links between insurgent elements and Iran. If we left without a strong, functional Iraqi army, the resulting mess could be far worse than anything we've seen.

Cindy Sheehan had her meeting with President Bush. She wasn't entitled to it, but she got one anyway. She certainly has no right to another meeting, especially since she's already made up her mind. I feel for her dead son. I also feel for much of the rest of poor Casey's family as his mother has torn them apart in the name of her own politics.