Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Terri Shiavo

I don't have a living will, but for the record I'd like to say that if I have lost all cognitive function in my brain, I really don't think I'll give a crap what happens to my body. I hear people say, "Let that poor woman die," in reference to Terri Shiavo. If I'm not consciously aware of my surroundings then I am dead, and there is no need to pity my body. If I am consciously aware, then I guess I'm not in a persistent vegetative state.

What I am saying is it seems to me that either the lights are on, and she should be given a chance to recover, or the lights are off and it doesn't matter either way. Therefore, if there is a dispute I would think the tilt should be toward keeping her alive just in case.

And for the love of god don't starve her to death. How nuts is that? We punish people for treating animals that way. If the same people who want to save every child-murdering death row inmate from getting the needle want to decide this woman's life isn't worth living, and indeed should not be lived, at least end it as humanely as the death row inmates they so wish to save. Imagine the outrage if we just stopped feeding death row inmates until they starved.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

How to handle North Korea

I have finally figured out how to take care of the North Korea problem once and for all. We should tell China that if they don't disarm the North Koreans and stop their nuclear program, we'll arm Taiwan with nukes. Game over.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Democratic Party

Howard Dean claims the Democrats are the tolerant party.

"Moderate Republicans can't stand these people (conservatives), because they're intolerant. They don't think tolerance is a virtue," Dean said, adding: "I'm not going to have these right-wingers throw away our right to be tolerant."

In other words, Dean and his fellows are full of hatred for anyone who doesn't believe in the things the Democrats believe in. Real tolerant, eh?

On abortion, Dean thinks the debate should be entirely about whether or not a woman can choose what to do with her body. This shallow understanding of the issue will cause nothing but trouble. The real issue is the question of when a fetus becomes a human being, and whether or not it is moral to kill it if you are unsure of the answer to that question. So long as Democrats think anti-abortionists are only out to control the lives of women (which, for the record, is an astoundingly stupid belief) and that the courts should be the lawmakers, we can never have a rational debate on abortion.

But again, Dean and his cohorts won't tolerate people who believe abortion may/does end a life. But Democrats are the tolerant party. Dean and the Democrats won't tolerate people who think maybe gay marriages will encourage unstable families, and that America has enough of those already. But the Democrats are the tolerant party.

Republicans believe that terrorists who would murder innocent Americans are the enemy and that they are evil. Howard Dean believes Republicans are the enemy. He has said, in so many words, that he hates Republicans. But he's the tolerant one. He says the political differences between Democrats and Republicans "is a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good." So he thinks Republicans are evil. But he's the tolerant one. This sort of hatred is a prime characteristic of the modern Democratic Party. It is evident whenever you hear one of them talk about President Bush. So long as they practice this brand of "tolerance," we shall be glad to trounce them in the elections.