Monday, November 21, 2005

al Qaeda not bad, just misunderstood!

In an example of a liberal cliche coming to life, Chris Matthews, apparently speaking of al Qaeda, said:

"If we stop trying to figure out the other side, we've given up. The person on the other side is not evil -- they just have a different perspective."

At least he was speaking of al Qaeda best I can tell.

If you give these dumbasses enough rope, they will almost always hang themselves.

Democrat demagogues

Here's an interesting piece on the Democrat desire to see us lose another war to embarrass a Republican president. I don't doubt for a second that embarrassing Bush is the primary goal of the Democrats in their opposition to the war. Many of them don't love America the way the rest of us do. This is fairly obvious in the way many of them seem to be defending their patriotism when no one even questioned it. But they feel a need to defend their patriotism from their own unpatriotic actions.

I'm not the first to point out you don't see Democrats openly rejoicing in the consequences (slaughter and oppression) of the withdrawal from Vietnam. Thanks for that, hippies.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Not another grand jury

Patrick Fitzgerald, terrorist prosecuting hero turned foolish witch hunter, may go before a new grand jury. More chickenshit indictments to follow? We'll see.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

French riots winding down?

Maybe. One can only hope. As much as I hate the French, I like unappreciative immigrants even less. I'm sure most French people wouldn't mind if they wanted to move back to North Africa.

Of course, several times I have seen that they didn't riot because of race or religion, but rather because of poverty. Uh huh, and I guess I just didn't notice the poor white Christians who rioted?

California votes to remain crappy

Governor Schwarzenegger's initiatives at the ballot were all defeated.

It just goes to show that those who want to shrink government, empower people, and improve schools are in the minority. Those who listened to the unions voted against the betterment of their lives.

It kinda makes one think good government cannot win. Maybe Arnold has his flaws, but his initiatives would have made California a better place, and I believe that was his primary reason for wanting them. I suppose that means they deserve to live in a crappy state. Sad.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Typical commie scum

Michelle Malkin has a few pictures of some dumbasses from that other American continent (you know, the crappy one).

First picture appears to be the "I just crapped my pants" guy.

Second we learn that not only do they hate Bush, but they love cliches.

Third is the Che gay pride parade.

And the folks in the last two pictures were simply confused and thought this was a Hamas rally. Upon discovering that the protesters were throwing molotov cocktails they decided it was their kind of scumbag festival.

Glad I was born in the good America.