Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Dems lose on filibusters

The 11th hour deal to prevent the "nuclear option" is being cast as a victory for Democrats, and I'm left wondering how that could be the case. The most conservative of the Bush judicial nominees will now get their fair up or down vote, meaning the filibuster threshold has been moved. We'll get our votes now. If the Dems filibuster unfairly, the Republicans just go back to the nuclear option. That gun hasn't been unloaded, but merely had the safety activated. Two of the seven Republican defectors are all that are needed, and that shouldn't be hard to get if the Dems start to filibuster again. Republicans will get their votes and reserve the right to filibuster if/when they become the minority sometime in the future.

All of that being said, I'm almost glad it is being cast as a Democrat victory. While they gloat, the Senate will vote. Republicans won the nuclear war without firing a shot. And Democrats seem happy about it. Suckers.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Dr. Douche Bag

Howard Dean is the gift that keeps on giving. After stating in so many words that he "hates Republicans and everything they stand for," he then claims the mantle of "tolerant party" for himself and his cohorts. Now, on Meet the Press he defends mocking Rush Limbaugh saying that he is not going to be lectured to about moral values by people with their own flaws. Yet in the same show, he makes moral judgments about Tom DeLay. Not only a hypocrite and a fool, he is Douche Bag in Chief.


Monday, May 16, 2005

Newsweek's shame

Newsweek has backed off of their story about desecration of the Koran at Gitmo. The claims have caused riots and fatalities and has shown again what can happen in the rush to get the scoop. It has also shown once again the scope and dangers of Muslim fundamentalism in the area.

That Muslims would riot to the point of fatalities, or execute people for religious insults shows just how different and backward they are culturally. It is hard to exist in peace and harmony with such people. One can only hope democratization can help them find their way out of the 12th century and into the 21st century.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Democrats will feel the heat as well

Drudge is reporting some ethics violations from a Democrat in the House. Representative Norm Dicks apparently had a lobbyist pay for a trip he took. Of course, Tom DeLay has been taking a beating by Democrats for such things, and recently Republicans repealed ethics rule changes that Democrats opposed. They did so to get the Ethics Committee back on track, as Democrats were throwing a tantrum. Now they reap what they have sown.

After Republicans repealed the new rules, Democrats came back to the table, but with the warning from Republicans: Democrats would be facing the music as well. Now we see it beginning with Norm Dicks. Both parties should be taken to task over these too-common ethical lapses, and the furor over this could have a positive result for the American people, but Democrats don't hold the moral high ground.

Setting the record straight on Vietnam

For some reason, popular mythology of today has it that America was routed in Vietnam and ran with its tail between its legs. In fact we had the North Vietnamese on the brink and even the Soviets thought victory for their cause was out of reach. But, all the Soviets ever needed to do well in the world was a little Democrat power.

Here is recommended reading for anyone who wants the truth.

America "snatched defeat from the jaws of victory" in the '70s. Who is to blame for this? If you guessed the anti-war hippies and their Democrat cohorts in congress you'd be correct. The left loves to make Vietnam comparisons to Iraq. How about this one: the abandonment of our allies as victory was at hand in Vietnam is exactly what the Kennedy/Pelosi/Moore left would have done with Iraq.

America, to this day, has not recovered from the stain of Vietnam. Our respect in the world was lessened and our enemies emboldened. For some reason the left can't stop reminding us every time we get into any conflict or war that we "lost" Vietnam and then they claim we didn't learn the lessons of Vietnam. I'd say that considering we keep winning wars and ignoring the left's droning on about pulling out we have indeed learned the lessons of Vietnam.